Saturday, February 23, 2008

Rainy Day is over and the Sun is out!

After what seemed like an never ending skein of yarn, I finally used it all up - - well, all but 11 inches!

Everyone told me to keep going until I ran out of yarn, so now have a scarf that is 7 feet and 10 inches long. . .

Part way thru the scarf when it got a little boring K2P2K2P2. . . K1P2K2P2. . P2K2P2K2. . . I decided to make something to match for my head, as it seemed I had decent amount of yarn. If I had known then just how much yarn there was, I might have went for a hat instead of a headband. I'm just glad it is still cold out and I can try out my new set in the winter weather.
Now the only question is do I start something new. . .or do I try to finish another project up first. . . I think my V-day yarn swap yarn is calling my name.

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