Monday, November 12, 2007

How does that happen?

So, I was knitting along on the Myrtle Leaf shawl when all of a sudden I saw a hole.

I almost panicked

I remembered I had life lines

Then. . .I realized it wasn't a dropped stitch.

There is a stitch that is not attached to the row below.
I thought about using a lifeline, but decided I can probably just go back and tack it down.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Where does the time go?

So, it's been a while. I keep thinking about writting, I even think about what I would write. But I never do.

Well, I have finished the second chipbag - the first one I have modified. On ravelry (same name) you will see that between the camel and maroon there are different cables. I've even have it lined, although there was an issue with the magnetic snap. . .oh well. The dilema is: which handles should I use?

I had bought some dark brown handles which I think the colors go really well, but I have been told it just won't be the same without the straight bamboo sticks. What do you think?

Are there other handles you would recommend?

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Lace - Oh, my!

Well, I have broken down, several months after cast on, and really began the Myrtle Leaf shawl from Victorian Lace Today. I'm almost done with the first repeat and it's going ok. It's my first REAL lace project so we will see how it goes.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

I'm IN!!! I am part of the cool crowd.

Your invitation was sent on Today. We just sent you a new copy of the email (from in case it was lost or eaten by a spam filter.

Thursday, September 06, 2007


Found you!
You signed up on July 1, 2007
You are #11858 on the list.
618 people are ahead of you in line.
19071 people are behind you in line.
36% of the list has been invited so far

Saturday, September 01, 2007

I'm under 1,000

Found you!
You signed up on July 1, 2007
You are #11858 on the list.
933 people are ahead of you in line.
18208 people are behind you in line.
36% of the list has been invited so far

How exciting is that! It seems they have been adding 60-100 people a day, hopefully that speeds up as they had wanted to add 5,000 in the first week with the new server.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007


Found you!
You signed up on July 1, 2007
You are #11858 on the list.
1378 people are ahead of you in line.
17336 people are behind you in line.
35% of the list has been invited so far

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Ravelry Update

You signed up on July 1, 2007
You are #11858 on the list.
1684 people are ahead of you in line.
16645 people are behind you in line.
35% of the list has been invited so far

Thursday, August 23, 2007


I'm getting closer!

You signed up on July 1, 2007
You are #11858 on the list.
1983 people are ahead of you in line.
15937 people are behind you in line.
35% of the list has been invited so far

It's so very exciting.

Get your name on the list if you haven't already done so!

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Scarves . . .

Apparently are on their way out, being replaced by socks. Well, I am not quite ready to commit to socks. Instead I have started two scarves.

The Sunday Swirl I had attempted to make into the eyelets heart scarf (after several failed attempts, was frogged) is now going to be 'My so Called Scarf.'

I have learned I need to concentrate, even though the pattern is only two rows. This was evidenced by Beth taking out 1.5 inches while we were watching movies at Fountian Square on Saturday night - this was after two fixable mistakes.

I received some beautiful yarn from Brooks Farm that I finally have wound and have started working into the 'Rainy Day Scarf.' The yarn label doesn't have guage or recommended needle size, so I picked size 7 to experiment with. It seems to be working ok.

The pictures didn't turn out soo good, but you get the picture.

Pedro the Rapist Dog Files

Miss Ginger met Pedro the Rapist Dog about 6 months ago during the cold months. The poor guy is some kind of Chihuahua mix, and is about 1/2 the size if Ginger. He was outside and followed us across a busy street. I tried to be the nice neighbor and return him home. I rang the bell of the house I believed he lived in, only to find out he lived a street over, and his humans often leave him outside when they go to work. Since our first meeting, we have seen several cars almost hit him while he carelessly runs across the main road of the subdivision, and admitiadly I have almost hit him. We've since seen him several time, and even called Animal control on him. His humans don't seem to care much about him. He is not fixed, runs loose and does not wear tags. I have to wonder if he is vacinated or if he gets fed.

I have since come to learn that animal control only works M-F, 8-6 and if you call them outside of those times there is nothing they can do. So I am going to being a Pedro the Rapist Dog (PTRD) Files.

Today, Sunday August 19, 2007. At 0830pm Ginger and I began our walk. At the park we saw a car slowing down, and soon saw the reason. PTRD was strolling across the street from the park to his side of the street. Once the car began to move again, PTRD spotted Ginger and I and came running across the street again - the car again braking to avoid the little black dog.

PTRD soon assumed his position right behing Ginger, with his little nose where it should not have been. He followed us from there up to the first entrance of "T" circle, around, past his house and back to our house. A good .5 mile walk. Once back in our driveway I contemplated taking him home, calling Animal Control just for fun or kidnapping him so I could call Animal Control the next day. Well, I was saved from my decision making when my neighbor kids came out and offered to take him home. Once M returned she said his humans were just getting home and took him inside. I could say we had about 5 attempted rapes, during the walk.

GRRRRRR!!!! is all I can say.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

Saturday, July 07, 2007


I had a 4 day weekend this week, and pretty much had nothing going on - so I basically relaxed and with the exception of going for food three times, I didn't leave my property.

Tuesday night I frogged the Sunday Swirl Eyelet Hearts scarf. Something must be terribly wrong with the pattern -or my interpretation (from Vogue Stitchionary) as Amanda didn't have any luck either. If anyone has successfully used this stitch, let me know what I am doing wrong. I think it might have something to do with the SK4P.

Wednesday (the 4th) I taught myself how to knit continental.

Thursday I slept a lot and worked on updating my blog. Notice the link to my finished projects and some old posts that have mysteriously appeared. I also started knitting a dishcloth continental. Ooops! I forgot to take a picture.
Friday I went to lunch with Crafty Mands and Yarn Envy, and since I got to the restaurant way early I stopped by the Gap Clearance Store and got two cute shirts for Ginger. We now have matching shirts as I got this T last year from Old Navy.

After lunch I worked on updating my "future projects" / Stash page. I still have a long way to go, but I am told I will be ready once it's my turn on ravelry (and if you haven't put your name on the waiting list yet, I have been told you should do so).
Saturday I lunched with knitting friends again. Then I made a swatch of the Sirenetta yarn I have so I can pick a sweater pattern. I also finished the broken slip stitch scarf made out of Smania, which consisted of weaving in the ends. . . something I have been putting off for months now.

And then I picked up the Pinwheel. The slant eyelet edging (from Stitchionary) goes fast, but not fast enough. I am not quite to 1/3 done.

I guess not too bad for a lazy weekend.

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I did it!

I finally did it, my knitting group is going to be so proud! They have been bugging me for a year about 'throwing' and I had tried once before, but all my stitches were twisted. Amanda commented the other night when she saw me crocheting the ears for the lambie pie blanket. She said she was surprised that I cannot knit continental because of the way that I hold the yarn to crochet. So, I decided to get out a book and try it again.

Here is my first CONTINENTAL knitting swatch.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Sock Boot Camp

Some of the girls from my knitting group and I went to the Sock Boot Camp at a local yarn shop this weekend.

Miss B. with her awesome sock.

Miss E. with her itty bitty sock

Miss C. and her very first project.

Me and my attempt at a lace scarf

Miss L.

Juicy Fruit Watermelon- Finished

I finished with 13 hours to spare! And yes Erin, I am glad I put the 'L' into it, it would have been boring other wise. It was a hit at the shower (and at the Relay for Life).

Friday, June 29, 2007

Juicy Fruit Update. . .and More

So, with less than 23 hours to go, here is the progress:

Yes, Erin did talk me into putting the inital on the blanket, it was looking a bit plain without it. I know it looks like there is a lot to go, but the rest should go pretty easy. I will be a the relay for a while tonight, so I am very optimistic it will get done.

In other news, I got my hair cut today. There are some bad pics, but pics nonetheless.

Any now my rant for the day:
So, on my way home from getting my hair cut I was craving mozzarella and tomato salad. So I decided to stop at the Remke's on Turkeyfoot, since I was driving right past, instead of going to my tried and true Kroger, which would have been out of the way. So, I went in, got some lettuce in a bag, a tomato then onto the cheese. . .they didn't have any! Oh I was soo mad. The lady at the Deli counter was all rude when I asked if they had any. And you know how it is when you really want something. . . so I ended up driving to Kroger anyway. It made me happy when I walked in and saw my 'people' the older guy that wrangles the carts and wears an headband, the little Indian lady. . .Ah, and they had three kinds of fresh mozzarella to choose from.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Juicy Fruit. . . .

I am at about 22" by 24" now if I start the decreases. I am tempted to finish the first skein of pink before starting the decreases.

From patterns I have looked at, it looks like blankets are anywhere between 18" square to 40" square.

Another thought I had was to buy a pink and green ribbon and thread it through the yarnovers. Cute?

Sunday, June 24, 2007

I'm calling it. . . .Juicy Fruit Watermelon

Alright, so in my mail on Saturday I got a personally addressed little envelope. Most of the time that means you are being invited somewhere, someone is saying thank you, and in my case sometimes it's something random from my mom. . .which is a story for another day.

So, I open the envelope up and as I suspected it was an invitation to a baby shower (babies everywhere!!) Well, I don't know about you, but my first thought was CRAP! Why didn't I start anything yet!! Which was followed by - NEXT SATURDAY? What can I make by next Saturday? Well, because as a knitter, you cannot go to a baby shower of a person who knows you are a knitter with out, well a hand knitted gift. So I did what I do best, I ran out to Michael's after work and bought the chunkiest baby yarn I could find in the colors. . .pink and green. I then though to myself, what will be the fastest kind of blanket to make? NO, not a pinwheel, but what I call 'Aunt Eleanor's dishcloth.' After debating how to use the two colors (strips, vertical, horizontal, diagonal?) I decided to do the border in green and the inside in pink. Now maybe you will understand why I am calling it : Juicy Fruit Watermelon.

I didn't like it as first, but it's growing on me. Now the big question is, should I just keep going and leave it plain, or should I put her initial in the middle. . .and if I do so, should I use the green, white of the same yarn OR lambie pie?

Give me some comments!!

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Pinwheel Again!

You would think that after the first three pinwheel blankets I would have learned my lesson, but not really. . .another one is in progress. At least I have realized that big needles and big yarn = fast and easy. This border ( slant eyelet from Nicky Epstein's Knitting on the edge) is being knit onto the blanket is and going fast! Now I just have to find a lucky recipient.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lambie Pie Blanket 1/2

So, Amanda and I decided to knit a blanket for one of our knitting group friends who was having a baby. I remembered that she had liked a blanket out of a book I have: Family Circle Easy Baby Knits. We debated about 'Counting Sheep', because even though she said she liked it, her colors were very neutral. We struggled to find yarn in enough neutral colors that we could pull this blanket off in, then eventually decided on yellow and green since she wasn't finding out if the baby is a boy or a girl.

We reworked the blanket a bit to fit our needs and began knitting, Amanda one half and myself the other.

I am finally done with the knitting section of my half, and Lisa was gracious enough to weave in ALL the ends. . .how many there were. I recall Beth volunteering for the french knot eyes. . I might need to refresh her memory of that. . . maybe she will even do the chain stitch ears. .or I guess I could do those. One Amanda is done with her half we will cross our fingers as we sew the two halves together that everything matches up, then we have a really cool fabric to line the back with. . . I don't think it will be done before the baby arrives. . .but hopefully 'it' won't mind the blanket being a week or two late.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Current Projects

Rubber Ducky Baby Sweater. . .maybe this will get finished someday.

The cuff for mittens to match my coronet hat I made at the end of the winter. I was using my denise needles, and needed the needle tips for another project, now I don't remember what size I was using. . .I guess I have a while until it gets cold again.

Friday, April 20, 2007