Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Lambie Pie Blanket 1/2

So, Amanda and I decided to knit a blanket for one of our knitting group friends who was having a baby. I remembered that she had liked a blanket out of a book I have: Family Circle Easy Baby Knits. We debated about 'Counting Sheep', because even though she said she liked it, her colors were very neutral. We struggled to find yarn in enough neutral colors that we could pull this blanket off in, then eventually decided on yellow and green since she wasn't finding out if the baby is a boy or a girl.

We reworked the blanket a bit to fit our needs and began knitting, Amanda one half and myself the other.

I am finally done with the knitting section of my half, and Lisa was gracious enough to weave in ALL the ends. . .how many there were. I recall Beth volunteering for the french knot eyes. . I might need to refresh her memory of that. . . maybe she will even do the chain stitch ears. .or I guess I could do those. One Amanda is done with her half we will cross our fingers as we sew the two halves together that everything matches up, then we have a really cool fabric to line the back with. . . I don't think it will be done before the baby arrives. . .but hopefully 'it' won't mind the blanket being a week or two late.

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